Starting Over Again

10 Lessons Learned from Starting Over Again


  1. Speak your mind! Communication is key in any relationship. The game of vagueness and “guess what I’m feeling” doesn’t pay off in the end because it only leads to mixed signals, unnecessary confusion and endless wondering that can be a waste of time.
  2. Courage. Grow some balls and in Ginny’s case Woman Up. Instead of running away from the issues like Ginny did, its best to deal with the issues up front and not leave the other party hanging. So not fair.
  3. Keep the Faith. It’s hard to have unconditional love for someone but you can try. Ginny gave up so quickly on Marco because he was settling for simpler dreams.  If she had been more honest about how she felt at the time maybe Marco could’ve understood her better and he would’ve been encouraged to dream bigger. Or they could’ve worked out their issues together rather than apart.
  4. Be Realistic! You can only do so much. “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.”
  5. Let it Go! While the beautiful memories of the past are great to remember and recount. Unfortunately, they can’t be repeated.  Like the Disney Frozen songs  goes, “I’m never going back. The past is in past, let it go, let it go!”
  6. Accountability. Own up to your actions. Unfortunately, in Ginny’s case her decision to leave Marco hanging led to the consequence of her losing Marco…forever. It was pretty unfair of her to demand Marco for an explanation when she abruptly ended their relationship and didn’t have the decency to give him a fair reason.  Although, I must say that moment in the movie led to a pretty sizzling make-out scene.
  7. Acceptance. In the beginning, Ginny had Marco on a pedestal but when his imperfections started to surface she was quick to judge him and turn him away. When you love someone, you should be open to loving them for who they are. If you can’t, then it wasn’t meant to be.
  8. Love Bites. Love’s journey is not always like the fairytales.
  9. Forgive and Forget.  Seeking revenge isn’t always the way to healing a broken heart.  It can give you some temporary satisfaction but doesn’t give you closure. This all goes back to letting go of the past and realizing your self –worth is above the heartache and accepting that we’re all only human.
  10. Move on!  Life’s too short to dwell on the past. Allow yourself to heal from that heartache, forgive, forget, remain hopeful and open your heart to love’s endless possibilities.


My movie review:

Last, February 15, 2014, I was lucky enough to see the US premiere of Starting Over Again. While the movie served it’s purposed to entertain the audience I wasn’t completely sold on its “running around the bush” type of plot that was occasionally aided by flashbacks to fill in the blanks.  I felt the plot’s attempt to be enigmatic made some of the scenes predictable, occasionally corny and trite. I felt Toni Gonzaga’s performance was the film’s saving grace.  She managed to make a would be stalker type, childish and flawed character charming and funny. Perfect casting all around with Piolo as Ginny’s dream boy and Iza as Marco’s dignified girlfriend. I congratulate the screenwriter for at least presenting a more unconventional and realistic ending.  Is it a drama/romantic film as the Director Lamasan claims? It’s a romantic comedy type film with some dramatic moments. Ninety five percent of the time, the audience was laughing and the incidence of a “tear jerker” was very very very very small. Would I recommend you to see it? Sure!  Would I see it again? Probably not very soon.

What I would like to see is a Piolo Pascual and Iza Calzado romance/drama team up! I think these two actors especially Piolo Pascual (who I think is more than just eye candy) deserve better and more challenging material. Put on your thinking caps Star Cinema screenwriters!